- Mr. E. Serpetzoglou won the 2007 AGU best paper award from work he conducted as Marie Curie Fellow
- Dr. M. Tzortziou has won the 2009 and 2010 ASLO Young Scientist Travel Awards to present her work on water quality that she conducted as Marie Curie Fellow
- Dr. M. Zampieri won a 2011 EGU Young Scientist Travel Award to present his work on groundwater-river interactions that he conducted as Marie Curie Fellow
- Dr. Anagnostou was inducted in the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering
- Dr. Anagnostou was offered the prestigious Endowed Chair Position in Environmental Engineering at the University of Connecticut

Predicting Floods With Distributed Hydrological Models
Using Satellite Data to Study Water Cycle Parameters
Measuring Rainfall Using Mobile Weather Radar
Measuring Rainfall over the Oceans Using Underwater Sound Data
Numerical Weather Prediction Air- Sea interactions
Coastal Ecosystem and Water Quality
Soil Water - Climate interactions