List of joint publications
*indicates PreWEC team member
**indicates host organization collaborator
Articles in Journals
- Nikolopoulos*, E.I., E.N. Anagnostou*, M. Borga, E.R. Vivoni, and A. Papadopoulos**, 2011 (in press): Sensitivity of a mountain basin flash flood to initial wetness condition and rainfall variability. Journal of Hydrology
- Tarolli*, P., Sofia, G., Dalla Fontana, G. 2011: (in press). Geomorphic features extraction from high resolution topography: landslide crowns and bank erosion, Natural Hazards, ISSN: 0921-030X, doi:10.1007/s11069-010-9695-2
- Anagnostou*, E.N., V. Maggioni, E.I. Nikolopoulos*, T. Meskele, F. Hossain, and A. Papadopoulos**, 2010: Benchmarking High-resolution Global Satellite Rain Products to Radar and Rain gauge Rainfall Estimates, IEEE Transaction on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, Vol. 48, No 4, pp. 1667-1683
- Anagnostou*, M.N., J.A. Nystuen, E.N. Anagnostou*, A. Papadopoulos**, and V. Lykousis**, 2010: Passive aquatic listener: A state-of-art system employed in atmospheric, oceanic and biological sciences in the marine environment, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.04.140
- Chronis, T., V. Papadopoulos, and E.I. Nikolopoulos*, 2010: QuickSCAT Observations of Extreme Wind Events over the Mediterranean and Black Seas during 2000 – 2008. International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.2213.
- Nikolopoulos*, E.I., E.N. Anagnostou*, F. Hossain, M. Gebremichael, and M. Borga, 2010: Understanding the Scale Relationships of Uncertainty Propagation of Satellite Rainfall through a Distributed Hydrological Model, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 11(2), pp. 520-532
- Passalacqua, P., Tarolli*, P., Foufoula-Georgiou, E., 2010: Testing space-scale methodologies for automatic geomorphic feature extraction from LiDAR in a complex mountainous landscape, Water Resources Research, 46, W11535, ISSN: 0043-1397, doi:10.1029/2009WR008812.
- Serpetzoglou* E., E.N. Anagnostou*, A. Papadopoulos**, E. I. Nikolopoulos*, and V. Magioni, 2010: Error-Propagation of Remote Sensing Rainfall Estimates in Soil Moisture Prediction from Land Surface Model. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 11(3), pp. 705-720.
- Michaelides, S., V. Levizzani, E. N. Anagnostou*, P. Bauer, T. Kasparis, J.E. Lane, 2009: Precipitation: measurement, remote sensing, climatology and modeling, Atmospheric Research (review paper), Volume 94, Issue 4, December 2009, Pages 512-533
- Tsabaris**, C., M. N. Anagnostou*, and S. Alexakis**, 2009: Instrumentation for Radon and Acoustic detection in seawater: design and application of a platform for rainfall monitoring using in-situ autonomous sensors: radon monitor and hydrophone, Sea Technology Magazine.
- Anagnostou* M.N., J.A. Nystuen, E.N. Anagnostou*, E.I. Nikolopoulos*, E. Amitai, 2008: Evaluation of Underwater Rainfall Measurements during the Ionian Sea Rainfall Experiment. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, Vol 46, 2936-2946
- Anagnostou* M.N., E.N. Anagnostou*, G. Vulpiani, M. Montopoli, F.S. Marzano, and J. Vivekanandan, 2008: Evaluation of X-band polarimetric radar estimates of drop size distributions from coincident S-band polarimetric estimates and measured raindrop spectra. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, Vol 46, 3067-3075
- Montopoli M., F. S. Marzano, G. Vulpiani, M. N. Anagnostou*, E. N. Anagnostou*, 2008: Statistical characterization and modeling of raindrop spectra time series for different climatological regions. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, Vol. 46, pp. 2778 – 2787
- Papadopoulos**, A., E. Serpetzoglou*, E.N. Anagnostou*, 2008: Improving NWP through Radar Rainfall-Driven Land Surface Parameters: A Case Study on Convective Precipitation Forecasting, Advances in Water Resources, Vol 31, 1456-1469
- Economou** G, E.D. Christou, A. Giannakourou**, E. Gerasopoulos, D. Georgopoulos**, V. Kotoulas, D. Lyra, N. Tsakalis, M. Tzortziou*, P. Vahamidis, E. Papathanassiou**, A. Karamanos**. 2008, “Eclipse effects on field crops and marine zooplankton: the 29 March 2006 Total Solar Eclipse” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8(16): 4665-4676.
- Wang, D., G. Wang, and E.N. Anagnostou*, 2009: The impact of sub-grid variability of precipitation and canopy water storage on hydrological processes in coupled land-atmosphere model, Climate Dynamics, Vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 649-662.
- Wang, D., E.N. Anagnostou*, G. Wang, 2008: Effects of sub-grid variability of precipitation and canopy water storage on climate model simulations of water cycle in Europe, Advances in Geosciences (ADGEO), Vol 17, 1-5
Chapters in Books
- Anagnostou* E.N. and M.N. Anagnostou*, 2008: Performance of algorithms for rainfall retrieval from polarimetric X-band radar measurements, Book Chapter in Precipitation: Advances in measurement, estimation and prediction, (ed) S. Michaelides. Springer Academic Publishers, 313-337.
- Grecu M. and E.N. Anagnostou*, 2008: Precipitation dynamic and microphysical retrievals from satellite active and passive observations. Book Chapter in Precipitation: Advances in measurement, estimation and prediction, (ed) S. Michaelides. Springer Academic Publishers, 219-228.
- Hossain, F., L. Tang, E.N. Anagnostou*, E. Nikolopoulos*, 2009: A Practical Guide to a Space-Time Stochastic Error Model for Simulation of High Resolution Satellite Rainfall Data. Book Chapter 9 in Satellite Rainfall Applications for Surface Hydrology (eds Gebremichael and Hossain), Springer Publications
- Nikolopoulos*, E., E.N. Anagnostou*, and F. Hossain, 2009: Error Propagation of Satellite-Rainfall in Flood Prediction Applications over Complex Terrain: A Case Study in Norteastern Italy. Chapter 13 in Satellite Rainfall Applications for Surface Hydrology (eds Gebremichael and Hossain), Springer Publications
- Tzortziou* M., Gallegos C.L., Neale P.J., Subramaniam A., Herman J.R., and Harding L.W., “Bio-optical characteristics and remote sensing in the mid Chesapeake Bay through integration of observations and radiative transfer closure”. Book Chapter in Remote Sensing and GIS for Coastal Ecosystem Assessment and Management: Principles and Applications, Springer-Verlag, (In press)
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Anagnostou*, M. N., J. Kalogiros, M. Tarolli, E. N. Anagnostou*, M. Borga, A. Papadopoulos**, 2008: “Rainfall measurements of weather radar in complex terrain,” In the proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), pp. 21-25, Helsinki, Finland, 06/30-07/04 2008.
- Anagnostou* M.N., J. Nystuen, E.N., Anagnostou, E.I. Nikolopoulos*, E. Amitai, A. Papadopoulos**: Evaluation of Underwater Acoustic Estimates of Raindrop Size Distribution through Comparison with Dual-Polarization Radar Measurements. In the proceedings of the 9th Conference of Meteorology-Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, pp 11-18, Thessaloniki, Greece, 28 – 31 May, 2008.
- Kalogiros J., M. N. Anagnostou*, A. Papadopoulos**, E. N. Anagnostou*, 2008: “Statistical analysis of video disdrometer measurements and errors of polarimetric rainfall estimators,” In the proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), pp. 50-55, Helsinki, Finland, 06/30-07/04 2008.
- Kalogiros, J., M. N. Anagnostou*, E.N. Anagnostou* and A. Papadopoulos**: “Rainfall measurements with weather radar in complex terrain. In the proceedings of the 9th Conference of Meteorology-Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, pp. 75-82, Thessaloniki, Greece, 28 – 31 May, 2008.
- Marzano, F. S., D. Scaranari, M. Montopoli, G. Vulpiani, M. N. Anagnostou*, E. N. Anagnostou*, 2008: “Hydrometeor classification and water content estimation from X-band dual-polarized radars: IHOP case study analysis,” In the proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), pp. 100-104, Helsinki, Finland, 06/30-07/04 2008.
- Serpetzoglou*, E., A. Papadopoulos**, and E. N. Anagnostou*, Rainfall data ingestion into the land surface scheme of a meteorological model and its impact on simulations of convective mesoscale systems, in proceedings of 9th Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, pp. 235-242, Thessaloniki, Greece, 28-31 May, 2008.
- Nikolopoulos* E., E.N. Anagnostou*, C. Pathak: Improving the Consistency of Basin-Average Radar and Rain Gauge Rainfall Datasets in Central and South Florida, In the Proceedings of the 2007 World Environment and Water Resources Congress, Tampa 14-19 May, 2007.
Non-Peer Reviewed Articles
Anagnostou*, E.N., A. Papadopoulos**, 2008: PreWEC: Advancing the predictability of water cycle, December issue of eStrategies, British Publishers, pp 80-81.
Submitted for Publication
- Alo, C.A., E.N. Anagnostou*, 2010: Incorporating vegetation dynamics in regional climate change projections over Southern European and the Mediterranean, International Journal of Climatology
- Stampoulis, D., E.N. Anagnostou*, 2010: Evaluation of Global Satellite Rainfall Products over Continental Europe, Journal of Hydrometeorology
- Dimitriou** E., Mentzafou* A., Zogaris** S., Tzortziou* M., Gritzalis** K., Karaouzas I. and Nikolaidis Ch., 2011, “Assessing the environmental status and identifying the dominant pressures of a trans-boundary river catchment, to facilitate efficient management and mitigation practices”, Journal of Environmental Management
- Dimitriou** E., Mentzafou* A., Tzortziou* M. and Zeri** C., 2011, “Groundwater pollution risk assessment and water quality impacts at a transboundary river catchment”, Environmental and Earth Sciences Journal
- Velea*, L. T. Chronis**, E. Anagnostou* and A. Papadopoulos**: “Comparative analysis of humidity characteristics for open-sea and coastal areas in the Mediterranean”, submitted to Atmospheric Research
- Zampieri*, M., E. Serpetzoglou*, E.N. Anagnostou*, E.I. Nikolopoulos*, and A. Papadopoulos**, 2011: River-Groundwater Interactions at the Regional Scale: Observational Evidence and Parameterization Applied in the Community Land Model. Journal of Hydrology
Manuscripts in preparation
- Nikolopoulos*, E.I., and E.N. Anagnostou*: On the use of high resolution satellite products for flash flood simulations, to be submitted to the Journal of Hydrometeorology
- Tarolli*, P., E.I. Nikolopoulos*, E.N. Anagnostou*, E.R. Vivoni, M. Borga, and A. Papadopoulos**: The effect of high resolution topography information on complex terrain flash-flood response modelling, to be submitted to CATENA
- Velea*, L., T. Chronis**, E.N. Anagnostou* and A. Papadopoulos**: Relationship between lightning activity and tropospheric water vapour variability, to be submitted to Atmospheric Research
- Tzortziou* M, E. Dimitriou**, C. Zeri**, E. Pitta**, “Dynamics and properties of dissolved organic carbon, DOC, and coloured dissolved organic matter, CDOM, in coastal wetlands of the Eastern Mediterranean”, to be submitted to the Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science Journal
- Tzortziou* M, E. Dimitriou**, C. Zeri**, E. Pitta**, “Environmental pressures in the Sperchios catchment area, and effects on carbon cycling and CDOM optical properties”, to be submitted to the Limnology and Oceanography Journal
- Tzortziou* M., Zeri** C., Dimitriou** E., Pitta** E., Jaffe R., Ding Y., Neale P., 2011, “Dynamics and properties of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in the Evros trans-boundary river and coastal delta of Eastern Mediterranean”, to be submitted to the Limnology and Oceanography Journal
- Zeri** C., E. Pitta**, M. Tzortziou*, E. Dimitriou**, V. Paraskevopoulou, E. Dassenakis, M. Scoullos, 2011, “Seasonal variability of DOM in an eastern Mediterranean River (Evros River)”, Marine Chemistry Journal
Conference presentations
- Anagnostou*, E.N., E.I. Nikolopoulos, A. Papadopoulos, 2010: “Using high-resolution satellite rainfall products to nowcast major flash-flood inducing storms” Invited presentation, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 13-17 December, 2010
- Anagnostou*, M.N., J. Nystuen, J. Kalogiros, G. Potiriadis, E. N. Anagnostou*, G. Alexakis, A. Papadopoulos**, D. Ballas, K. Nittis, P. Pagonis, L. Perivoliotis, and D. Georgopoulos, 2010: Evaluation of Underwater Acoustic Estimates through Comparison with Buoy Anemometer & Radar Measurements, 10th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, Patra, Greece, 25-28 May.
- Anagnostou*, E.N., E. Serpetzoglou*, E. I. Nikolopoulos*, A. Papadopoulos**, Y. Hong, and F. Hossain, “Satellite precipitation error propagation in the prediction of large-scale floods and soil moisture”. EGU General Assembly, Abstract, EGU2009-9099, Vienna, Austria, April 2009.
- Anagnostou*, M.N., J. Nystuen, E. N. Anagnostou*, E. Nikolopoulos*, E. Amitai, A. Papadopoulos**, 2008: “Evaluation of Underwater Acoustic Estimates of Raindrop Size Distribution through Comparison with Dual-Polarization Radar Measurements,” EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
- Anagnostou*, E.N. and F. Hossain, 2007: Comparison of Four Global Satellite Rainfall Data Products over the United States against WSR-88D Radar Rainfall Data. AGU Fall Meet., 88(52), Abstract H32A-06, San Francisco, Dec 10-14, 2007
- Anagnostou* E.N.: A framework for studying optimal satellite rain retrievals in hydrologic applications, 2007 EGU General Assembly, Invited presentation, Vienna, 15-20 April, 2007
- Anagnostou, M. N., J. A. Nystuen, E. N. Anagnostou, E. Amitai, and A. Papadopoulos, 2009: Evaluation of underwater acoustic estimates of raindrop size distribution through comparison with Dual-polarized radar measurements, EGU General Assembly, European Geoscience Society, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April.
- Anagnostou*, M. N., J. A. Nystuen, E. N. Anagnostou*, A. Papadopoulos**, D. Ballas, K. Nittis, P. Pagonis, L. Perivoliotis, and D. Georgopoulos, 2009: Measurements of spatially averaged ocean surface geophysical parameters using underwater sound integrated with the Poseidon monitoring system, In the proceedings of the, Underwater acoustic measurements: Technologies & Results, 3rd International conference & exhibition, Nafplion, Greece, 21-26 June.
- Dalla Fontana, G., Tarolli*, P., Passalacqua, P., 2010: Recognition of topographic signature of Earth-surface processes in high altitude regions, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 13-17 December, 2010
- Grecu M., E.N. Anagnostou*, A. Papadopoulos** and E. Serpetzoglou*, 2008: Assimilation of frequent satellite precipitation observations into a numerical weather prediction model: Application to flash flood forecasting. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellites conference, Darmstadt, Germany, 08-12 September.
- Nikolopoulos*, E.I.; E.N. Anagnostou*; M. Borga, and A. Papadopoulos**, 2010: “Satellite rainfall error analysis for major flash flood inducing storms in Europe”. International Precipitation Conference, Coimbre, Portugal, June 2010.
- Nikolopoulos*, E.I.; E.N. Anagnostou*; M. Borga, E.R. Vivoni, and A. Papadopoulos**, 010: “Sensitivity of a mountain basin flash flood to initial soil moisture and rainfall variability”. EGU General Assembly, Abstract, EGU2010-4064, Vienna, Austria, May 2010-05-27
- Nikolopoulos*, E.I.; E.N. Anagnostou*; M. Borga, and A. Papadopoulos**, 2009: “Runoff generation and sensitivity to antecedent soil moisture conditions for a major flash flood event”. EGU General Assembly, Abstract, EGU2009-4605, Vienna, Austria, April 2009.
- Nikolopoulos*, E., M. N. Anagnostou*, E. N. Anagnostou*, F. S. Marzano, M. Borga, 2008: “The effect of storm type on satellite precipitation estimation error: results from an experiment in eastern Italian Alps,” EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, 08-12 September.
- Nikolopoulos*, E.I.; E.N. Anagnostou*, F. Hossain, M. Borga and M. Gebremichael, “The Use of Remotely Sensed Rainfall to Predict Floods in Mountainous Basins.” EGU General Assembly, EGU2008-A-10466, Vienna, Austria, April 2008.
- Nikolopoulos*, E.I., E.N. Anagnostou*, M. Gebremichael, and E.R. Vivoni, "Can we use satellite-rainfall to predict floods in small mountainous basins?" AGU Fall Meet., 88(52), Abstract, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 2007.
- Nittis**, K., L. Perivoliotis**, G. Korres, D. Ballas, A. Papadopoulos**, P. Pagonis, G. Petihakis, M. N. Anagnostou*, G. Georgopoulos, and E. N. Anagnostou*, 2009: Operational ocean monitoring and forecasting in the Eastern Mediterranean, In the proceedings of the, Underwater acoustic measurements: Technologies & Results, 3rd International conference & exhibition, Nafplion, Greece, 21-26 June.
- Papadopoulos** A., E. Serpetzoglou*, and E. N. Anagnostou*, 2008: Using Satellite Data-Forced Land Surface Parameters to Improve Convective Precipitation Forecasts. TRMM conference, Fort Collins, USA, February, 2008
- Papadopoulos** A., E. Serpetzoglou*, E. N. Anagnostou*, I. A. Vamvakas, and A. Tadesse, 2007: The Influence of Assimilating Land Surface Parameters on the Simulation Performance of Warm Season Convective Systems, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 06536, 2007)
- Papadopoulos** A., E. Serpetzoglou*, and E. N. Anagnostou*, 2007: The Influence of Assimilating Land Surface Parameters on the Simulation Performance of Warm Season Convective Systems. 9th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Varenna, Italy.
- Pitta** E., C. Zeri**, M. Tzortziou*, E. Dimitriou**, E. Moussoulis, V. Paraskevopoulou “Dissolved organic matter and nutrients in two Eastern Mediterranean rivers”, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010.
- Pow C. L., M. Tzortziou*, P. Neale, P. Megonigal, M. Butterworth, “A Trip Down Muddy Creek with CDOM: The Spatial Significance of Marsh Derived CDOM to the Rhode River”, 2009 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Nice, France, 25-30 January 2009.
- Serpetzoglou* E., A. Papadopoulos**, and E. N. Anagnostou*, 2008: Sensitivity tests on the response of a mesoscale model to the assimilation of observed precipitation data into its land surface scheme. 10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- Serpetzoglou* E., A. Papadopoulos**, and E. N. Anagnostou*, 2008: The response of a NWP model to the ingestion of observed precipitation data on its different land surface schemes in cases of flash-flood inducing storms. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
- Serpetzoglou* E., A. Papadopoulos**, and E. N. Anagnostou*, 2007: Improving Convective Precipitation Forecasting through Assimilation of Data-Forced Land Surface Parameters. Eos Trans. AGU Fall Meeting, 88(52), Abstract H42D-04. (AGU Best Student Paper Award)
- Tarolli*, P., Nikolopoulos*, E.I., Anagnostou*, E.N., Borga, M., Vivoni, E.R., Papadopoulos**, A., 2010: The effect of high resolution topography information on complex terrain flash-flood response modeling. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 13-17 December, 2010.
- Tzortziou* M., P. Neale, P. Megonigal, C. Zeri**, E. Dimitriou**, A. Gogou**, R. Jaffe, “Biogeochemical exchanges and carbon fluxes in two contrasting ecosystems: the highly eutrophic Chesapeake Bay system in the Eastern US, and the oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean coastal waters”, IMBER IMBIZO II, Crete, Greece, October 10-14, 2010
- Tzortziou* M., C. Zeri**, E. Dimitriou**, E. Pitta**, E. Moussoulis, R. Jaffe, P. Neale, P. Megonigal, “Dissolved organic matter fluxes, quality, and biogeochemical processing in Eastern Mediterranean coastal wetlands”, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010.
- Tzortziou* M., P. J. Neale, J. P. Megonigal, M. Butterworth, R. Jaffe, Y. Yamashita, “Tidal Marsh Outwelling of Dissolved Organic Matter and resulting temporal variability in coastal water optical and biogeochemical properties” (Invited Presentation), 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland Oregon, 22-26 February 2010. (Received ASLO Early Career Travel Award)
- Tzortziou* M, E. Dimitriou**, D. Tsoliakos, G. Mousdis, C. Zeri**, A. Gogou**, E.N. Anagnostou*, P. Neale, P. Megonigal, Y. Yamashita, R. Jaffe. “Dynamics and properties of colored dissolved organic matter, CDOM, in wetland ecosystems and coastal waters of the Eastern Mediterranean”, 2009 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Nice, France, 25-30 January 2009 (Received ASLO Early Career Award).
- Tzortziou* M, Neale P.J., Megonigal P.J., 2008: “Fluorescence properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM) exported from tidal marshes and effects of microbial and photochemical processes”, Chapman AGU Conference on Fluorescence of Organic Matter, Birmingham, UK, 2008.
- Tzortziou* M, Neale P.J., Megonigal P.J., Osburn C.L., Maie N., Jaffé R., 2008: “Characteristics and dynamics of dissolved organic matter exported from tidal marsh-estuarine systems”, EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, 2008.
- Tzortziou* M., Osburn C., Neale P., 2007: “Photochemical Degradation of Dissolved Organic Material from a tidal marsh-estuarine system. Measurements and Spectral Photobleaching Modeling”, ASLO 2007 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, 2007.
- Velea*, L. T. Chronis**, E. Anagnostou* and A. Papadopoulos**, 2010: “Comparative analysis of humidity characteristics for open-sea and coastal areas in the Mediterranean”, 10th EMS / 8th ECAC conference, September 2010, Zurich, Switzerland
- Velea*, L. T. Chronis**, E. Anagnostou* and A. Papadopoulos**, 2010: ‘Relationship between lightning activity and tropospheric water vapor variability over Greece’, 12th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, September 2010, Corfu Island, Greece
- Wang, D., E.N. Anagnostou*, 2007: Impact of sub-grid variability of precipitation and canopy water storage on hydrological processes in a coupled land-atmosphere model, 9th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Varenna, Italy.
- Zampieri*, M., E. Serpetzoglou*, E.I. Nikolopoulos*, E.N. Anagnostou* and A. Papadopoulos**, 2010: “Assessing the effect of lateral groundwater fluxes on the simulation of soil moisture in a regional land-surface model”. EGU General Assembly, Abstract, EGU2010-4064, Vienna, Austria, May 2010-05-27
Workshops and other scientific meetings
- Anagnostou*, E.N., 2009: “Satellite and in situ observations in HyMEX” Keynote presentation, 3rd HyMeX International Workshop, Heraklion, Crete, June 1-4 2009
- Anagnostou*, E.N., 2008: “Extreme Weather Events” Keynote lecture at the Cyprus Meteorological Association and Ministry of Education award prizes ceremony that took place in Nicosia-Cyprus on the 10th of April 2008.
- Anagnostou*, E.N., 2008: Ground validation network over complex terrain and coastal environments in Eastern Mediterranean 3rd Global Precipitation Measurement International Ground Validation Research Planning Workshop, Bouzios, Brazil, March 4-6, 2008
- Anagnostou*, E.N., 2007: Experimental Results on Rainfall and DSD Estimation with a Mobile X-band Polarimetric Radar, International Symposium on X-band Weather Radar Network, Japan (invited presentation)
- Anagnostou*, E.N., 2007: Advancing Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting by means of Data Assimilation, Catchment-scale Hydrological Modeling & Data Assimilation International Workshop, Melbourne, Australia (keynote presentation)
- Chronis, T., L. Velea, E. Anagnostou, J. Nysten, M. Anagnostou, A. Papadopoulos, G. Pothriadis, G. Armenis, E. Nikolopoulos , M. Grecu: “Hi-resolution observational capabilities dedicated to the severe weather monitoring of the Greek peninsula”, IV HyMeX Workshop, Bologna, Italy, 8-10 June 2010
- Tsoliakos** D., Zeri** C., Tzortziou* M., Mousdis G., Hatzianestis** I. “Chemical and Optical properties of Chromophoric Dissolved organic Matter (CDOM) in coastal and open waters of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea”, SESAME 1st Scientific Workshop, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 18 - 20 November 2008.
- Tzortziou, M., E. Dimitriou, C. Zeri, D. Tsoliakos, P. Neale, P. Megonigal, A. Gogou, A. Papadopoulos, E. Anagnostou. ‘River run-off, dynamics and properties of terrestrial dissolved organic matter in Eastern Mediterranean coastal waters’, 2009 HyMEx International Meeting, Crete, Greece, 1-4 June 2009.
- Amiridis V., D. Balis, T. Chronis, E. Gerasopoulos1, K. Eleftheriadis, G. Kallos, A. Papayannis, E. Remoudaki, G. Tselioudis, M. Tzortziou, C. Zerefos, I. Ziomas, “The Greek Contribution to the ChArMEx project”, ChArMEx, International Workshop, Toulouse, France, 29 June – 1 July 2009

Predicting Floods With Distributed Hydrological Models
Using Satellite Data to Study Water Cycle Parameters
Measuring Rainfall Using Mobile Weather Radar
Measuring Rainfall over the Oceans Using Underwater Sound Data
Numerical Weather Prediction Air- Sea interactions
Coastal Ecosystem and Water Quality
Soil Water - Climate interactions