Contact Address
Institute of Inland Waters
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
P.O. BOX 712
Anavissos 19013, Greece
Tel: +30-22910-76389
Fax: +30 22910 76323
Nationality: Greek
Language: Greek (Native language)
English (high professional level)
- 1998: B.Sc. in Geology, University of Athens, Greece
- 1999: M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences, Lancaster University, UK
- 2005: Ph.D. in Water Resources Management, University of Athens, Greece
Professional Experience
- 2000-2003: Research Assistant, Institute of Inland Waters, National Centre of Marine Research (NCMR), Athens, Greece
- 2003-2005: Research Assistant, Institute of Inland Waters, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Greece
- 2005- to date: Post-doc Researcher, Project Manager, Institute of Inland Waters, HCMR, Greece
Research Interests
- Hydrodynamic numerical modelling at catchment scale
- Water Resources Management
- Wetland hydrology
- Remote sensing and GIS environmental applications
Research projects
- WASSER: EU Environment (DG XI. ERV4-CT97-0459-DG12-ESCI) 1997-2000. “Utilization of ground water desalination and waste water reuse in the water supply of seasonally-stressed regions”.
- LIFE-Nature ‘99: EU / DG- Environment (NAT/GR/006499). 1999-2003. “ Actions for the protection of the calcareous bogs/fens in Trichonis lake”,
- FAME: DG Environment 5FP. (AVK1-CT-2001-00094). 2002-2003. “Development, Evaluation and Implementation of a Standarised Fish-based Assessment Method for the Ecological Status of European Rivers: A Contribution to the Water Framework Directive”, EU / DG-Environment
- Koumoundourou Lake: 2002-2003. “Water quality assessment and monitoring of the groundwater at Koumoundourou lake catchment”, Association of Communities and Municipalities in the Attica Region, Greece.
- AOGR ESA. European Space Agency, 2003-2004. “Hydrogeologic modelling application with the contribution of remote sensing and GIS techniques”.
- MINENV NATURA site. 2002-2003 “Network of Environmental Management Researchers”, Ministry of Environment and Public Works, Greece.
- Life-Nature ’04. EU / DG- Environment. MEDPONDS (2005-2008). “Actions for the conservation of Mediterranean Temporary Ponds in Crete island.
Selected representative publications
- Zacharias I., Dimitriou E. and Koussouris Th., 2003. “Estimating groundwater discharge into a lake through underwater springs by using GIS technologies”, Environmental Geology Journal, Vol.44, pp.843-851.
- Zacharias I., Dimitriou E. and Koussouris Th., 2003. “The role of sustainable water resources management in the protection and preservation of significant wetlands. Trichonis lake catchment case study”, Environmental Management Journal, Vol.69, pp.401-412.
- Zacharias I., Dimitriou E. and Koussouris Th., 2004.“Quantifying land-use alterations and associated hydrologic impacts at a wetland area by using remote sensing and modeling techniques”, Environmental Modelling & Assessment, Vol.9, pp 23-32.
- Zacharias I., Dimitriou E. and Koussouris Th., 2005. “Integrated Water Management Scenarios for Wetland protection. Application in Trichonis Lake”, Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp. 177-185.
- Dimitriou E. and Zacharias I.,(2005), ‘Climatic and anthropogenic impacts on the hydroecological regime of a large freshwater body’, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol. 14, No.11, pp:1036-1045
- Dimitriou E., Karaouzas I., Sarantakos K., Zacharias I., Bogdanos K. and Diapoulis A., 2008, ‘Groundwater risk assessment at a heavily industrialised catchment and the associated impacts on a peri-urban wetland’, Journal of Environmental Management, 88: 526-538
- Dimitriou E. and Zacharias I.,(2006), ‘Groundwater vulnerability and risk mapping in a geologically complex area by using stable isotopes, remote sensing and GIS techniques’, Environmental Geology Journal, 51, 309-323
Distinctions - Awards
- 1st prize in the Contest for the best scientific project of the year (2001) in Greece in the field of: ‘Sustainable water management’. The contest took plance under the International Forum: ‘Hydrorama 2002’ that Athens Water Supply Company (EYDAP) organized in Athens, on March 2002. Participation title: ‘Sustainable Water Management in Trichonis lake catchment’.
- Distinction at the Water Action Contest for the best project in the field of water, under the 3rd World Water Forum held in Kyoto, in March 2003. The project entitled: ‘Sustainable Water Management and Environmental Protection’ was one of the 150 finalists of the world contest and I have traveled to Kyoto to present a poster for the final stage of the contest.
- Marie curie grant to attend the series of conferences/ seminars: ‘ECO-IMAGINE’, European Conferences and forum for Integrated coastal Management and Geo-Information research, MSCF-CT-2003-504444, 2004-2007
- International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
- European Geosciences Unit (EGU)
- International Association for Environmental Hydrology (IAEH)
- Geotechnical Association of Greece (GEOTEE),
- Hellenic Geologic Association (EGE)

Predicting Floods With Distributed Hydrological Models
Using Satellite Data to Study Water Cycle Parameters
Measuring Rainfall Using Mobile Weather Radar
Measuring Rainfall over the Oceans Using Underwater Sound Data
Numerical Wea
ther Prediction Air- Sea interactions
Coastal Ecosystem and Water Quality
Soil Water - Climate interactions